
I couldn't wait for success,
so I went ahead without it.

Spoiler(?!) alert - facebookstatusar

Publicerad 2011-10-04 23:29:02 i Allt-i-ett,

ÄN EN GÅNG, är det dags att "uppmärksamma" bröstcancer i statusraden på facebook. Som trogen läsare vet ni att jag skyr detta mer än troligen något annat.

Detta är dock första gången jag själv får ett mejl och i ren protest publicerar jag "facit" här. Denna gången ska man alltså låtsas vara gravid och ha cravings. Ja, men tjena liksom...



It's that time of year again in support of Breast Cancer Awareness! We all remember last years game of writing your bra color as your status? or the way we like to have our handbag handy?

Remember last year so many people took part that it made national news and the constant updating of status reminded everyone why we're doing this and helped raise awareness!

DO NOT tell any males what the status' mean, keep them guessing. And please Broadcast this to all ur female friends to see if we can make a bigger fuss this year than last year ;);)

I did my part... So now its YOUR turn!

The idea is to choose the month You were born and the day you were born. Pass this on to the girls only and lets see how far it reaches around. The last one about the bra went round the world.

So you'll write... I'm (your birth month) weeks and I'm craving (your birth date) !!! as your status :p:p

Example: Feb 14th= I'm 2 weeks and craving Choclolate mints!! ;);)

January- 1week
Febuary- 2weeks
March- 3weeks
April- 4weeks
May- 6weeks
June- 8weeks
July- 10weeks
August- 12weeks
September- 13weeks
October- 14weeks
November- 16weeks
December- 18weeks

Days of the month:
1- Skittles
2- Starburst
3- Kit-Kat
4- M&M's
5- Tomatoes
6- Ice Cream
7- Dairy Milk
8- Lollipop
9- Peanut Butter Cups
10- Meat Balls
11- Twizzlers
12- Bubble Gum
13- Hershey's Kisses
14- Chocolate Mints
15- Twix
16- Cheese
17- Fudge
18- Cherry Jello
19- Banana's
20- Pickels
21- Chicken Wings
22- Skittles
23- Gummy Bears
24- Gummy Worms
25- Strawberry Pop Tarts
26- Starburst
27- Mini Eggs
28- Kit-Kat Chunkie
29- Double Chocolate Chip Chrunchy Cookies
30- Smarties
31- Chocolate Cake

**facebookmejl slut**

Känner mig mycket rebellisk nu. Men frustrationen över hur folk FORTFARANDE tycker att detta är fascinerande kul och nästan fnittrar ihjäl sig, är obeskrivligt mycket större.


Postat av: Malin

Publicerad 2011-10-05 09:19:05

Postat av: Malin

Publicerad 2011-10-05 09:19:58

Älskart!!! Går med i kampen om å hata!!!

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